Should You Have a Side Hustle? Pros and Cons of Side Projects
Pros & Cons of Side Projects
A side project refers to setting up smaller projects and businesses, outside your current...
4 min read
ros & Cons of Side Projects
A side project refers to setting up smaller projects and businesses, outside your current career/job. It’s a money-making pursuit and for some, also becomes the start of their new regular career.
Having a side hustle and turning multiple passions and skills into a course of income has become increasingly popular, especially amongst millennials and Gen Z in the last couple of years. Almost every individual now has a side project going, a business starting, doing freelance work, or some sort of consultation other than their regular jobs. Whether people are not happy with their jobs, or have more time available, want to earn more cash, or are ultimately sucked into the hustle culture, side projects are becoming more and more common every day. But it does come with its demands and whether you know it as yet or not, there are multiple pros and cons of side projects.
A side hustle, or a side project/freelance work, can be anything you are interested in. It could be you investing your time and effort into making jewelry, setting up an online shop, selling homemade food, setting up a bakery, or supplying your writing or consultancy services. Investing in cryptocurrencies is also a part of side income. According to a study conducted by Dollar Sprout, side projects have become a go-to way to supplement monthly income. To understand it more, let’s look at how it can benefit us or how it would put us at a disadvantage.
Let’s look at all ways side hustles benefits us:
It’s another and unrelated stream of income.
It opens doors to more opportunities and success.
You will develop a wider professional network.
The possibilities are endless for a side hustle and you can choose to start small or big.
You will meet new people and your professional network will grow.
It can make you more independent of needing a job.
You can steadily grow a business whilst not having to take the risk of no income.
They are independent of location and can be done remotely.
They allow you to travel and earn.
You can have a variety of career options to choose from.
You can develop a creative outlet.
Now let’s pay attention to its demands and disadvantages:
It demands time and you will be working beyond 9-5.
With the addition of more work, you will be working more, resting less, and probably not socializing at all.
It will add to your stress.
Side projects demand an investment of time, effort, and money.
Side projects have a probability of failing.
You will probably need to step out of your comfort zone to make money connections and success through your side hustle.
Your performance at your workplace will suffer.
Some companies do not allow their employees to engage in any more work, so it could cost you your job.
If you choose to continue your side hustle, you will have to be patient as side hustles can take some time to pick up.
When choosing whether to indulge in a side hustle or not, you must weigh the pros and cons for yourself. We recommend you speak to professionals in the field to get an idea of whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice-versa. This is also a very subjective decision as some people are more likely to pull in all-nighters, and extra work hours, to reach their professional goals. Whilst some may be fans of the traditional 9-5 and keep their peace of mind, above all.
A side hustle can definitely increase your income, open more doors for you, connect you to people, and broaden your professional portfolio, but it will also demand more time and effort, there are chances of failing, the income is not always stable unless the business has settled, and requires a lot of patience. So, whether you choose to do it or not, we recommend that you weigh the pros and cons of side projects and become wary of the common pitfalls, mistakes, and best practices so that you don’t have to risk financial security and can hustle on your terms.